Monthly Archives: January 2015

Four months in Paris

Short vacations of a few weeks and living abroad for years or longer have their various benefits. But at this point in my life, where I have a happy home in Sydney, the unexpected opportunity to live in Paris for … Continue reading

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Restaurant Review: Septime, er, no, the Pause Cafe

This review of Septime the Pause Cafe is for lunch on 28 January 2015. So, while this is not a review of Septime, it is a little story about it, as well as living in a foreign land. Last year, my … Continue reading

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Coffee in Paris

It’s slowly getting out around the world that Australians are obsessed by coffee, and Australians make very good coffee. What’s slightly confounding, I think to all concerned, is that Australian coffee is so good because it’s Australian. The Australians created it… … Continue reading

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Restaurant Review: Chateaubriand, Paris

 For the 2014 World’s Best Restaurants, Chateaubriand is ranked #27. I ate here about four years ago, after reading a story in the New York Times about how French style was turning to upscale bistros rather than the traditional formal … Continue reading

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Restaurant Review: L’Alsacien, Paris

So, I tell my better half that I want to try this Alsatian bar that I pass by to get to my most frequent parking station for my Vélib (that’s free French bike for those not in the know). It’s … Continue reading

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Do you vélib in life after love? My favourite pastime in Paris.

While getting lost, people-watching, and wandering are among my preferred activities in Paris, my singular favourite thing to do has been riding around on the amazing free bikes, the vélibs (vélo = bike and libre = free). It’s an amazing … Continue reading

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Men’s Clothes in Paris: Resale, Consignment, Thrift & Outlet

As a teenager, I always loved thrift shops because of the hidden surprises within, the bargains, and the bargain surprises. So, after developing a taste for nice clothes in Europe (with much coaching from friends who were appalled by my … Continue reading

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Restaurant Review: Pavillon Henri IV, St-Germain-en-Laye

We had the special lunch on new year’s day, and what a view, a sunny clear day. It couldn’t have been better. The formula was 67 euros without drinks. The entree was a foie gras escalopine and a fleurettes of … Continue reading

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Restaurant Review: Le Pourquois Pas, Paris

Paris’s outer arrondisements can seem a little far away, but they’re really not. To get them can also depend on train or bike route. To get home from Bagnolet in the 20th, my Vélib cycle is an easy 20 minutes, … Continue reading

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Restaurant Review: China (Paris)

Ah, you get what you pay for… Let me say first of all that while my better half refused to come to this restaurant with me, I thought: hmm, those dumplings in the window look good. See, I’m addicted to … Continue reading

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