Monthly Archives: March 2023

The Central Sydney Planning Strategy

Originally published on 28 November 2016 on As a member of the City of Sydney’s Professional Writing Panel for the three years that it was in existence (they’ve now moved to getting bids from editors for each individual project…), … Continue reading

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Superbly written spam

Originally published on 24 November 2013 on We’ve all passed comment on poorly written spam, particularly those Nigerian letters asking you to send your bank account details so that they can transfer a load of money to you, or … Continue reading

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Book review: Andrew Sean Greer’s Less is Lost

Less is Lost by Andrew Sean Greer My rating: 4 of 5 stars I loved ‘Less’ so much that I guess four stars is a fall from five. I wasn’t opposed to a sequel to ‘Less’ but what would it … Continue reading

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2023 update: Do you Vélib in life after love?

My favourite thing to do in Paris is to ride around on a Vélib, the almost free biking system. I wondered how much it had changed in seven years, as I’d heard a lot had changed. New operators. Competition from … Continue reading

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The Global Monitoring Report on Education for All

Originally published on 28 April 2015 on I had the most amazing work opportunity and experience in the last six months. I was hired by the Global Monitoring Report (GMR) team to be the editor for their 2015 report, … Continue reading

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Book Reviews on HIV and sexuality

Originally published on 26 October 2015 on From the archives, here are two book reviews that I wrote for the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisation’s (AFAO) National AIDS Bulletin. First of all, a short book review from NAB, volume … Continue reading

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An article on access to HIV drugs

Originally published on 26 October 2015 on From the archives, here is an article that I wrote for the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisation’s (AFAO) National AIDS Bulletin. In 1999, the hot issue was how to get HIV drugs … Continue reading

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Avoiding jargon words

Originally published on 27 July 2014 on The British Home Office has produced a style guide which recommends against a whole lot of jargon words. It’s excellent, particularly the section on Plain English. I have to admit to being guilty to … Continue reading

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