Monthly Archives: March 2007

Intensive Editing

Winter has finally come to Sydney. It’s bright outside, from the quality of air has changed. Basically, it’s colder! I’ve started editing the poetry manuscript with my editor. He’s suggested the method of doing two poems at a time, and … Continue reading

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A new idea

Coming out of the Mardi Gras weekend, I had the idea to write about seven years of partying in Sydney. The pros are that I’m not sure whether anyone has combined a narrative with an analysis of recreational drug use, … Continue reading

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More things to do when I’m not writing

Eat, breathe, tidy around mecommunicate, make love,sleep, defecate, become engrossedin vices of all sorts, unhelpfuldiversions that contribute nothingto the greater good. Exercise.Try to spend time outdoorsas well as in. I make plans. Plotemotions. Discard focus. I saveoverseas stamps for our … Continue reading

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