Sydney Food Diary: The Grounds of the City

So, this place is completely bananas. I was just hoping for a coffee, and that chilly winter not quite spring wind made it too cold to sit at the tables outside. So, then I had to ask for a table at the rather intimidating check-in counter, and then opening the door is like entering another world.

A 1920’s cafe: does this hearken back to the Queen Victoria Building across George Street or to Europe or to New York City. I’m not sure but the fit-out is beautiful. Everything was shiny and sparkling and there was this crazy buzz about the place. People seemed excited just to be there, on a Tuesday, mid-morning.

I decided to just grab a snack, and the crumpet was as crumpetty as can be. Homemade. Ten bucks. I ended up smothering both pieces in all the butter and all the jam, and lapping it up like it was their $14 pancake dish.

Most of their heartier dishes are in the $20 range, which makes me roll my eyes at how expensive Sydney and hipster food is. But the Grounds folks have created a bit of a phenomenon: they know how to create a buzz, how to fashion a beautiful atmosphere for dining, and they make great coffee.

The Grounds of the City Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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