Sydney Food Diary: Mad Spuds Cafe, Surry Hills


Poor Mad Spuds. Why was I so cruel? So prejudiced? With the uber-cool Four Ate Five right next door, and the inviting Organic Cafe a few doors down, I always thought this humble cafe looked a little down-market. With a specialty of filled baked potatoes, and a cartoon potatoe on the window, I have passed it by for years.

But on a rainy Sunday, F. and I popped in, and I was very pleasantly surprised. The original owner was Irish and has left his mark on the menu. Some of the dishes that folks around us had ordered seemed heartier fare, so we were surprised to get these delicate stacks. Are stacks still in? Regardless, I found my potato cake, white sausage and fried egg, with a bit of mayo and apple sauce very tasty indeed, and F was happy with his stack. Plus decent coffee, and a lovely waitress, and I thought this was very good. I’d go back.


Mad Spuds Cafe
479 Crown Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW

Mad Spuds Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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