Una’s in Darlinghurst, Sydney, is an absolute institution. They’ve been around for 45 years! They’re remarkably consistent, and the food tastes pretty much exactly as it has the last times that I’ve been over the last 15 years or so. It’s hearty, heavy and sticks to your ribs. The service is always reliable and efficient.
I always end up ordering the Jagerschnitzel, in one of its pork, chicken or veal varieties (above is veal), smothered in thick mushroom sauce and with a generous serving of rosti potatoes. This poses a dilemma as the wonderful crisp batter will slowly get soggy from the gravy if you don’t eat it quickly enough.
As I only go to Una’s about once every two years, various memories come back. First of all, I love the little coleslaw (below) that they serve with every meal. And I do remember enjoying a variety of the appetizers and mains: beef croquettes is what we had this time, although I’ve had deep-fried camembert in the past, as well as goulash as a main and pork knuckle. But I also remember the stages of eating the main course. First bite: a delight! Deep-fried battered meat, crispy hashbrown potatoes. It’s tasty and feels naughty as well to eat something that is considered particularly health-conscious these days (as a side note, I’m always amused how many gay men eat in Una’s, considering how health and body-conscious gay men are, it’s seems a funny contradiction). And then the second bite: hmm, there’s a lot of food on this plate. And then, by the time I’ve finished it all: agh, I ate too much, and don’t feel wonderful. The quantity and heaviness seems to outweigh the initial pleasure.
But then again, I should know better.