Food Diary: Egg of the Universe, Rozelle, Sydney

IMG_3001We’d stopped by one morning in Rozelle to poke around the Essential Ingredient, the upmarket and rather amazing kitchen supply store. And we were hungry. The very amusing shopfront ‘Egg of the Universe’ beckoned our attention. It’s a yoga studio and a restaurant, with a lovely courtyard way out back.

IMG_3002But a yoga studio and restaurant combination didn’t immediately provide me with confidence. It felt like the many natural wholefood stores and cafes that I’ve run into where the food is usually tasty, with an emphasis on healthy, but not particularly elegant, and I somehow don’t end up feeling virtuous about eating virtuously.

This restaurant breaks the mold. There may have been healthy yoga-clothed Sydneysiders at the other tables, but, in addition to the emphasis on healthy food, the food was so tasty and well-presented, it made me think of the words ‘hip’ and ‘sophisticated’ rather than ‘earth mother’.

High recommendation.

Egg of the Universe on Urbanspoon

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