NSW pre-qualification for editing services

Originally published 11 March 2014 on www.boldface.com.au:

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been prequalified as a contractor for the state of New South Wales in Australia.

What does this mean? Well, it’s under the ‘Performance and Management Services’ category of a prequalification program, and I’m listed on the ‘Early Access Registration List (EARL)’. Rather than ‘Goodbye Earl’ (as in a fabulous song by the Dixie Chicks), it’s ‘Hello Earl’.

I’ve basically been accepted to be on a panel of service providers to assist NSW Government agencies in engaging external consultancy services. I’ve offered my expertise in editing, copywriting, communication and policy writing, and they’ve checked over my insurances, experience and rates. The EARL scheme approves me for engagements valued at up to $50,000 including GST.

So, there we go. NSW Government Agencies, I’m at your service.

Boldface editing and copywriting: Pre-qualified under the Early Access Registration List for Performance and Management Services for the NSW Government, offering services in editing, copywriting, communication and policy writing.

Update 2 January 2023:

For years, I wasn’t sure whether I had gotten any work at all from this programme. Whenever I’d checked the website and job postings, there was no dedicated category for editing and writing services, and I feared that I was invisible.

But for the last few years, I’ve been helping NSW Government House to turn bullet points into the citations for the recipients of the Order of Australia and other recognition, and I found out that they found me through this programme, which made me think that my work for NSW Justice (and Corrective Services NSW) and NSW Health may have related to the programme too. My advice for other small businesses then: always keep your options open!

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