Drinking in Sydney: The Baxter Inn

IMG_5472In a hidden basement below Clarence Street in the City is a pumping busy whiskey bar. I’d wanted to try this, because I’m not sure the team behind Shady Pines Saloon can go wrong these days.

IMG_5476We first ended up in the Barbershop… another bar with an entrance in the same courtyard, which looked fun enough, but I was happy my better half pointed out that it was not, in fact, the Baxter Inn where we were milling about.

Back into the courtyard, and a low-key bouncer nodded when I asked whether the bar was down a non-descript flight of stairs. The door opens and (much like Shady Pines), it’s going off! There’s a beautiful long wooden bar that serves up cocktails and whiskeys – an incredible selection. On a Wednesday night around 10pm, there was a mix of young hipsters and folks who hadn’t seemed to go home from work yet.

IMG_5477My better half had an Old-Fashioned, which was on tap! He approved of it. I myself spotted on the menu board the Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye. This was named the IMG_5474world’s best whiskey last year, and I spent more than a little bit of time when in Canada seeing if I could find myself a bottle (impossible!). So, I was excited to try it here. The waiter said he thought that the $25 for the small shot was quite a good price, considering (I assume how hard it is to get, and its reputation) and so I can’t be impartial about it. For $25, I was going to enjoy every drop of it. I found it both smooth and spicy, and very nice.

If you’ve got visitors to Sydney and want to show them that there are cool bars here: this is the place to go, particularly if any of them like whiskey!
The Baxter Inn Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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