Coffee in Sydney: Two Daughters, Surry Hills

How about this weather? These burst of rain, not heavy, but enough to soak you. I even checked the satellite before heading out to do a chore, and while I had planned on treating myself to a coffee, I didn’t expect to have to dash into Two Daughters Cafe to avoid getting wet.

It’s a humble little cafe, with a jumble of tables, all of which were occupied when I came in, but I grabbed one by the window within minutes. The barista seemed kind of flustered, and manage to confuse me with the other Asian guy who was waiting for coffee.

But when she brought me my large latte, she apologised, and then seemed to settle into a nice routine with the other customers with friendly chatter and remarks. And while I thought the first taste of the latte was unremarkable (not distinguishable by being particularly creamy or with a certain taste), it sort of settled into a nice robust, strong flavour, not bad at all, and exactly what I needed at the time. In fact, I had a caffeine buzz after I left!

Two Daughters Cafe and Restaurant Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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