Category Archives: Bowling Pin Fire

Launches on the West Coast of Canada

So, I’m back in Australia after nearly 3 weeks away in Hawaii and Vancouver. I managed to do three readings. Not sure when I’ll be able to post up photos from the events but we’ll see! Sechelt (on the sunshine … Continue reading

Posted in Bowling Pin Fire, Writing | 1 Comment

Choices – BPF News or Apartment renovations?

Ah, so many choices. I have a slight urge to post more photos of my ongoing apartment problems/renovations – but I think that can hold off. With some luck, the place is going to look amazing in a few weeks. … Continue reading

Posted in Bowling Pin Fire, Poetry | 1 Comment

Bowling Pin Fire – More Progress…

It’s late January, Sydney summer, what a hot day. Tomorrow, Monday, is a holiday, since Australia Day was yesterday, and I’m winding down with a beautiful glass of white wine, Georgiana 2007, and am at my mac in front of … Continue reading

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Bowling Pin Fire and other progress

So, Bowling Pin Fire is out in Canada. I can’t wait to see it. I’m hoping it’s winging its way through the air to me now. Trying to get moving on plans to help promote the book from … Continue reading

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It’s coming, it’s coming.

I’m back in my neighbourhood after nearly two months of travelling – at least that’s what it feels like. The preparation for a long voyage consumes the days before, the week after my 5 week trip to Canada, Hawaii and … Continue reading

Posted in Bowling Pin Fire, Poetry, Writing | Leave a comment

So Good I Cried

So, before I can start my journal, which I feel a need to do, with so many things that have happened in the last week, I will share my good news, with the world, with my blog (which no one … Continue reading

Posted in Bowling Pin Fire, Journal, Writing | Leave a comment